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    CSD Series

    -Speed (RPM) shown is nominal. Performance is based on actual speed of test. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories). -Speed (RPM) shown is nominal. Performance is based on actual speed of test. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories).CSD Series



    targets, Intervention, Dismissal Models of Speech Acquisition trying to solve how children acquire speech sounds Diary Studies very detailed, "journal-like", written by parent (bias), hard to generalize Large group cross-sectional studies examine large groups of kids at different cross-sectional age points; try to establish norms; Templin targets, Intervention, Dismissal Models of Speech Acquisition trying to solve how children acquire speech sounds Diary Studies very detailed, "journal-like", written by parent (bias), hard to generalize Large group cross-sectional studies examine large groups of kids at different cross-sectional age points; try to establish norms; Templin CSD 315 EXAM 2- QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Stuvia


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    View Test prep CSD315_Exam.I.Study.Guide.2018.docx from CSD 315 at Syracuse University. CSD 315/615 Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech and Hearing Mechanisms Spring 2018 Exam I Study. Upload to Study. Expert Help. Study Resources. Log in Join. CSD315 Exam.I.Study.Guide.2018.docx CSD 315/615 Anatomy... View Test prep CSD315_Exam.I.Study.Guide.2018.docx from CSD 315 at Syracuse University. CSD 315/615 Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech and Hearing Mechanisms Spring 2018 Exam I Study. Upload to Study. Expert Help. Study Resources. Log in Join. CSD315 Exam.I.Study.Guide.2018.docx CSD 315/615 Anatomy...CSD315 Exam.I.Study.Guide.2018.docx Course Hero


    CSD 315 Quiz 2 Flashcards Quizlet

    Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following words contains the sound sequence /ɪɹ/ A. stir B. peer C. pair D. star E. more, the phoneme /ɚ/ would be used when transcribing: A. letter B. irk C. early D. rope E. irk & early, Lip rounding for vowels in English is usually predictable because A. most front vowels are Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following words contains the sound sequence /ɪɹ/ A. stir B. peer C. pair D. star E. more, the phoneme /ɚ/ would be used when transcribing: A. letter B. irk C. early D. rope E. irk & early, Lip rounding for vowels in English is usually predictable because A. most front vowels are CSD 315 Quiz 2 Flashcards Quizlet


    CSD 315 FINAL EXAM Flashcards Quizlet

    final consonant deletion. deletion of a word final consonant. EX: [haʊ] = house. reduplication. repetition of a syllable instead of full word. EX: [bɑbɑ] = bottle. cluster reduction. omission of a member of a consonant cluster. EX: [tov] = stove; [dʊm] = drum. final consonant deletion. deletion of a word final consonant. EX: [haʊ] = house. reduplication. repetition of a syllable instead of full word. EX: [bɑbɑ] = bottle. cluster reduction. omission of a member of a consonant cluster. EX: [tov] = stove; [dʊm] = drum.CSD 315 FINAL EXAM Flashcards Quizlet



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    CSD 315 Quiz #2 Flashcards Chegg

    Problems in Vowel Description. Traditional classification is not satisfactory, which it is possible to describe position of vowels, it is difficult to determine the absolute positions of the tongue body, unlike consonants vowels lack distinct boundaries, it is much easier to make a vowel halfway between than a consonant. Problems in Vowel Description. Traditional classification is not satisfactory, which it is possible to describe position of vowels, it is difficult to determine the absolute positions of the tongue body, unlike consonants vowels lack distinct boundaries, it is much easier to make a vowel halfway between than a consonant.CSD 315 Quiz #2 Flashcards Chegg


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